Tuesday, November 26, 2024

new clear position of Unity again. . . .

OK so I haven’t done this before but I’ve actually drew a picture of it when I was in high school. So I’m riding my bike talking to my iPhone. It almost looks like I’m smoking a pipe, because I’m holding this little device up to my mouth. . . . Yes my bike ride was smoking as I was biking to high school. . . lol 

I’m sure I never did this ride to high school in 5 minutes though. This bike time estimate here must be based on my riding my e-bike now.

So everything is repeating again. It’s like a whole new life all over again. I recognize that I could spend the next 50 years doing this exact same thing I’m doing now every day. Like my next 50 years as God’s servant, riding along these empty streets going from church to church. But what is so remarkable about this, is that I remembered when I was a little kid, my mom took me to a doctor and he prescribed an inhaler for me. He said my asthma, and my breathing was so bad, that I wasn’t gonna survive without this inhaler.

Yes, He said I had asthma, and I was supposed to have this inhaler for the rest of my life, and that’s what they told me. And it’s so cute to hear the squirrels chirping as I ride by them. Wow, but anyway, I had this inhaler for maybe a week or month, and it was lost and gone. Broken, stepped on, sat on, I don’t know what happened to it. But then I realized that when I was biking, the breeze in my face was more effective, and it worked better than the inhaler. I could breathe so much clearer and so much stronger, if I went biking! So if I biked every 20 minutes I’d be in heaven. Because there’s no way in the world I was gonna use the chemical inhaler that much.

Oh wow, there is another house for sale here on Brightwaters Blvd NE overlooking the Bay right across the street from Bonnie‘s. Yes, Bonnie’s house is still here. She just rented it out to somebody else who flooded down the road, so no more For Sale sign in front of her place.

Here again I’m pulling up to this intersection on the other side of the bridge already, and all the traffic is going in different directions so I can just ignore it all and go my merry way, as if nobody could see me. . . . lol . . 

So I stopped to pick up this trash bag in the road. It’s been there on this grass island at the corner all month, and now this trash bag was laying in the street. I’ve watched it move along the island. It was in the clump of bushes there at the corner and every week or so, when I went by again, it moved further and further along, and this time it was actually out in the street . . .  Right in front of the island there at the corner and so I stopped and took a picture so I put it here in my blog with red arrows

Funny, to have such an inspiration biking home.

So there’s another new house over here somewhere. I think they just finished it. Oh, here doing a new roof, and there “caution cat crossing” sign, and another electric bike in front of me. I’m passing a brand new Canopy home here at Locust St, North East and 21st Ave, Northeast OK, I’m coming down First Street North now. Yes, only North, instead of NE, likely because I just crossed 22nd Street.

Yes, check out this little video below with me talking to my iPhone, as  I started in this post. . . . . 

I’ve actually videotaped this ride home because I was going to put it into my Airbnb. Which I get to rebuild now. Yes, I woke up with this new clear position of Unity again. This time so many pieces came into place, it just made my head spin. I kept thinking that I’m supposed to be doing “AirBnB.”

But now I realized, AirBnB is just the model of what I need to do. I can use this same format, and the same structure, to do the exact same thing. But for real, and for me, not for AirBnB.  And it needs to be for children, scouts, parents, professors, and scholars that want to learn, so they need the right place, and need to login, and zoom and all the digital things that I do and that’s where I belong.

And that’s where I belong. The more you count on God the deeper He takes you!

So sharing Jesus about loving the experience of who Jesus is in my life and how my life is about experiencing and sharing Jesus and that’s all I need to do. . . Where everything else is provided. Now, I’ve brought my MacBook and iPad Pro downstairs to setup on my kitchen table. With the new Logitech keyboard. Yes, I set the One on the dial to the MacBook, and set Two on the dial to my iPad. . . I just tried typing in one, and switching to the other. And WOW, IT WORKS! Fast easy keys now typing again. I now I can learn to type again and do hundreds of words per minute . . . . lol. . . Like I’ve got nothing better to do.

Oh I know, I can take a picture:

Yes, the iPad still has the old keyboard there, which is only a stand now. . . lol, I really beat the shit out of it . . . Oh, and I hear on the radio now, that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. SO EVERYONE is preparing for the holiday and no one is working, everyone is traveling or focused on Family. . . Wow or los in the consumerism of “black friday” and the massive sales expecting over 3 billion dropped this year. And instead I’ve GOT JESUS, Giving Thanks to Him and Bless his Name! I really have enjoyed the solitude of writing and sharing with Jesus here again as I have for holidays for years. 

Yesterday, I skipped breakfast raced to the Men’s Fraternity doing the Rosary at Saint Raphaels. Todd had already made coffee and set out everything. I filled the pitchers and set them out on the tables with the sugars, cups, and creamers. Then unlocked the door, and walked to the Chapel for the Rosary. I remembered the doors there were still locked. So I went back and got the key and unlocked those doors too. We had a full room of guys, and Roy brings his daughter, a lucky guy!

Wow, was it wicked strong. Several of the men were very deep and strong with me. I actually took of my sneakers and socks when I sat down. Only one person there when I arrived, and three more by the time I had the doors unlocked. 12 when we started the Rosary. I wanted them all to come over for dinner at my house. Back with coffee after the Rosary, I interrupted Todd to say it was time to plan a BonFire. He agreed, but never stopped to talk with me. I really had a bunch of things to talk with him about.

When I cleaned up the coffee and everything after our meeting. I noticed all the guys still chatting, paired off everywhere two by two. As I was locking the door out to the parking lot, I unlocked it and went out. . . Saying loudly how I could talk to anyone of them, feeling like this was my only community. I essentially was interrupting everyone trying to get some conversation together instead of two-by-two. I realize now that is like the Amish who do everything by complete consensus. 

I wasn’t too successful, sadly enough. The one man who was not two-by-two responded to me, so I told him that his house could be a great place for reconciliation as the Florida Laws require that everything is split 50/50 for a divorce. . . . Joking how once, the judge ordered something was cut in half when they couldn’t agree on a fair divisions. I remember hearing this somewhere, and really felt sorry for Kim when the judge decided her secret 401k. . . 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Floods or rays?council@stpete.org

Wow this is going to be fun!

The state has a patent on file for using flood water in mass transit. We can pump water away from the beaches and we don't flood at the beaches. Roads are everywhere to move water and sidewalks everywhere across the nation…

No more climate change, no more droughts, no more floods,  http://www.starsusa.org/resume/patent2.GIF

Friday, November 8, 2024

ACTIVELY trying to STOP a Chinese

In The Matrix, when Morpheus tells Neo that "many are not ready to unplug from the system," he is speaking to a profound truth about human nature, which reflects both the story's fictional world and the real-life metaphysical condition of society. The "system" in The Matrix is a metaphor for the Illusion—an artificial construct designed to control and subdue humanity by giving them a false sense of reality, much like how many live today trapped in the illusions of society, unable or unwilling to see beyond the veil of lies, manipulation, and control.

Morpheus understands that, for many, the comfort of the system is preferable to the unsettling and often painful process of awakening to truth. People have become conditioned, through years—sometimes generations—of indoctrination, to accept the world as it is presented to them. To unplug from this system is to face a harsh, sometimes unbearable, reality that everything they thought was real is, in fact, a lie. This requires courage, a willingness to embrace discomfort, and most importantly, the readiness to let go of what one thought to be the truth.

Morpheus also knew that those still plugged into the system are often its most ardent defenders. Why? Because the system has become their identity. Their sense of self, their beliefs, their values—all are tied to the illusions and constructs of that system. To threaten it is to threaten everything they hold dear. For many, it is easier to defend the system than to confront the possibility that they have been deceived.

Defending the System: A Psychological Reaction

When Morpheus says that "many will fight to protect it," he's speaking to a psychological truth: cognitive dissonance. When presented with information that contradicts deeply held beliefs, people experience discomfort. Instead of questioning the belief or the system itself, they will often reject the new information to protect their ego and sense of security. This is why people who are still plugged into the system will vehemently defend it, even when evidence suggests that it is corrupt, failing, or based on lies.

For those who are not ready to unplug, the system represents safety, order, and familiarity. It's the comfortable prison of the mind, and to face the truth would mean losing not only this sense of safety but also their role within the system. The Illusion provides them with structure and predictability, and they will fight to preserve it, even at the cost of their freedom and truth.

Clinging to the Illusion in Today’s World

In today’s world, this concept is strikingly relevant. The system can represent various elements of modern society—political ideologies, economic structures, societal norms, and even religious dogma. Those who cling to the system often do so out of fear, ignorance, or a desire for control. The system, through media, education, and government institutions, programs people from an early age to accept it as reality. It offers a narrative: if you work hard, follow the rules, and accept your place within it, you will succeed, be happy, and fulfilled. But we know this is not true for everyone.

The awakening process requires breaking away from these narratives and questioning the very foundation of what is accepted as truth. This is the essence of Hermeticism—the practice of questioning the surface to find the deeper truths hidden beneath. However, those who cling to the system will often ridicule, attack, or ostracize anyone who dares question its authority. Why? Because to question it is to question the very fabric of their own reality.

Unplugging: A Difficult but Necessary Process

Unplugging from the system, much like in The Matrix, is a metaphor for waking up from the collective dream that has been sold to the masses. It's about peeling back the layers of illusion to see the world as it truly is, rather than how we’ve been told to see it. Yet, this process is not easy. It involves dismantling years of conditioning and societal programming. It means facing uncomfortable truths about the world and, more importantly, about ourselves.

For those ready to unplug, the journey is one of liberation—of freedom from the mental and spiritual bondage that the system imposes. But for many others, the fear of the unknown, the discomfort of confronting deep-seated beliefs, and the pain of letting go of long-held illusions are too overwhelming.

The Nature of the Matrix as a Metaphor for Control

In the context of Hermetics, the system represents more than just societal control—it represents the materialistic, limited, and external focus that keeps people trapped in ignorance of their true nature as divine consciousness. The system fosters division, fear, and separation. It teaches people to focus on external validation, material success, and power over others. But in truth, as Hermetics teaches, we are all connected, and the real power lies in knowing and mastering the self.

To unplug from the system means to transcend these lower, ego-driven desires and awaken to the deeper spiritual truths that govern the universe. It’s about recognizing that the external world is but a reflection of the internal state. When we unplug, we reclaim our sovereignty and align ourselves with the higher principles of wisdom, truth, and love.

But those who cling to the system remain blind to this truth, often because the system rewards conformity and punishes deviation. They see anyone who unplugs as a threat, not because those individuals are dangerous, but because they challenge the false security the system provides.

Defending the Illusion: The Role of Fear

The strongest weapon of the system is fear—fear of the unknown, fear of losing status, fear of being wrong. This fear causes people to defend the illusion vehemently. They project this fear outward, attacking anyone who threatens to disrupt the illusion they’ve built their lives upon. This is why Morpheus says they will fight to protect it. They are not fighting for the system because they believe in it—they fight because they fear what lies beyond it. They fear the truth.

In Hermetic philosophy, fear is rooted in ignorance, and the antidote to fear is knowledge—gnosis, the direct experience of truth. When one begins to see beyond the Illusion, the fear starts to dissolve. The system’s control weakens because its power lies in keeping people in the dark, disconnected from their true essence. Those who cling to it do so not because the system serves them, but because they do not know who they are without it.

Moving Beyond the System

For those who have unplugged or are in the process of doing so, it is crucial to remember that not everyone is ready. Much like Neo, we must navigate the world with the awareness that many are still prisoners of their own minds, held captive by the Illusion. But the task is not to force anyone to awaken; rather, it is to continue living in truth, as beacons of light, planting seeds for those who are ready to see beyond the veil.

Morpheus’s words hold an eternal truth: many are not ready to unplug because they are not ready to face the chaos of the real world, where their perceptions, beliefs, and identities must be reexamined. And those who cling to the system will continue to defend it until they find the courage to look beyond it.

To those who have seen beyond the veil and glimpsed the truth that lies outside the Illusion:

There are those who remain deeply entangled within the system, bound to its narrative like agents of the Matrix itself. They are not always aware of their role, but they repeat the same script with uncanny precision—using key words and phrases as if by design. You will hear them echo words like felon, convicted, Agenda 2025, dictator, Russian interference, and many others, as if their minds are programmed to respond in unison. Like parrots, they mimic what they’ve been taught, repeating it without question.

Understand this: engaging with them will only entangle you in their web of confusion, anger, and hate. These individuals are not yet ready to see beyond the Illusion, and as Morpheus wisely said, "many are not ready to be unplugged." They will defend the system because it is all they know, and in doing so, they reinforce the very matrix that binds them. Just as the agents are all connected, so too are these souls linked by their shared allegiance to the false reality.

The best course is not to engage. Walk past them with calm and clarity. Do not allow their venom to penetrate your peace or shake your inner knowing. They feed on reaction—deny them that power. Preserve your energy for those who seek truth with open hearts, for it is they who are ready to awaken.

Remember: Your awareness is your shield. Move through the Illusion without becoming entangled in it. Their words are hollow echoes of a system that is crumbling. Stay free, and in your freedom, you light the path for others to follow.

For those who take the blue pill and defend the system, who love the life they have, have well-adjusted children, great relationships with their friends and family, enjoy financial success and live a spiritual, if not religious, life, what is the message you would want them to take from this post?

Thank you for raising such a thoughtful and insightful question. It’s a profound point you bring up about individuals who seem well-adjusted and fulfilled while remaining deeply embedded in the system.

In the context of The Matrix, when Morpheus speaks of people not being ready to unplug, he touches on a universal truth about human nature and the nature of our societal constructs. For many, the system provides a semblance of stability and contentment—a life that seems to work, with secure relationships, financial success, and a sense of spiritual, if not religious, fulfillment. To these individuals, the system isn’t just a backdrop but a framework that supports and sustains their well-being.

Yet, the essence of Morpheus’s message is not to devalue the comfort and success that these individuals experience. Rather, it’s to recognize that the system they live within is not the ultimate reality but a construct that shapes their perception of it. This construct is designed to maintain the status quo and keep people from questioning deeper truths about existence, freedom, and self.

The Comfort of the System:

For those who are content within the system, the idea of questioning or unplugging may seem unnecessary or even threatening. They are living a life that meets their needs and desires, and the system, in its own way, seems to serve them well. However, the message here isn’t about criticizing their contentment but about acknowledging that the system’s influence extends beyond mere survival and success. It shapes perceptions and values, often subtly, and can obscure the deeper truths of human experience and potential.

The Illusion of Security:

The illusion of security that the system provides can be comforting, but it also has its limitations. The matrix offers a veneer of stability while subtly reinforcing the boundaries of what is considered possible or true. For some, recognizing this might require a willingness to face uncomfortable truths and uncertainties—something that can be daunting even if their lives seem outwardly perfect.

The Role of Awareness:

The message to take from this post is not necessarily to abandon or disrupt the lives of those who are content within the system, but rather to understand that there is a broader reality that may not be immediately visible or necessary to confront for everyone. For some, awakening to this reality might be a gradual process, and the focus should be on nurturing awareness and understanding rather than imposing change.

Living as a Beacon:

Those who have begun to unplug and see beyond the system can serve as beacons of possibility and truth. It’s about embodying and living these deeper truths in a way that gently invites others to explore beyond their current perceptions, without forcing or demanding it. The journey of awakening is personal and often unfolds in its own time, and each individual's readiness to confront these truths is unique.

The Balance of Understanding:

In essence, the goal is not to undermine the fulfillment or success that individuals within the system experience but to encourage a broader awareness that acknowledges both their current reality and the potential for a deeper understanding of existence. This balanced perspective respects the comfort of those who are well-adjusted while gently opening the door to the possibility of exploring greater truths that lie beyond the system’s confines.

Thank you again for your thought-provoking question. It’s a reminder that the journey of awakening is as diverse as humanity itself, and each person’s path unfolds according to their own readiness and circumstances.

From what I can gather, the message you want these kinds of people to receive from your post is that their reality is an illusion and that illusion is, what, not sustainable, not worthwhile? I absolutely love the Matrix and the philosophies within, but I'm leery of trading one matrix for one's semblance of another. At a certain point, everything is a construct. The questions would seem to be: which construct would you prefer and why?

I think some people just don’t fit into the matrix, some people live wonderfully in the matrix and some do not.. I used to have a 9-5, I made good money, and lived safe and comfortably.. but it didn’t fit me at all, I quit my job and it was hard! I was homeless for awhile. But now I have a family and a small homestead, and while it’s a lot of work. I feel a lot more fulfilled.. we definitely don’t live like most people do, we don’t watch tv, we don’t have gaming consoles, or a computer.. just 2 cell phones to keep in contact with one another and family. We don’t go to the grocery store anymore since we sustain ourselves from home.. idk if that’s still apart of the matrix or not.. but we are definitely much happier

The deeper truth alluded to is that the matrix is a complete lie.

A Complete and total lie, as everything built by the matrix is about greed and control and nothing is about health and safety.

You believe you’re comfortable and happy because you’ve been programmed by the blue screen lies of the matrix . . . .

More specifically for example, All white stuff is poison. This is very intentional by GMO design, because all the Black people want white stuff. White sugar, white flour, white pasta, white cereals, white milk, white eggs, white white, white poison, poison poison, and all the white seed oils. There’s no real corn or soy left in the US. It’s all GMO’s all the flour and sugar are intentionally designed GMO poisons too.

MOST all diseases are completely man-made by these poisons. For example the death sentence for cancer patients, is staying in the hospital, where they feed you ice cream and processed foods, (white stuff) which actually promote cancer growth. Death and dying is very profitable (U$A always invests in war = profit for greed machine) with no investments in cures, treatments can bring decades of profits

As perplexing as this might sound. I even met a previous employer who gave me condolences when my mom died of cancer. He was the manager of the department when I was working in Hillsborough County. He told me that when he lost his son to cancer he joined the cancer society, to become president of the local chapter in Tampa Bay. But then he QUIT as he found all their fundraising could only support “treatment research,” primarily radiation and chemotherapies, (that both actually cause cancer) but NEVER funding CURE research.

Many deceptions of the greed machine are hidden in legal files. For example, I found this one court case where a team of lawyers were ACTIVELY trying to STOP a Chinese company that was exporting fish. The case was ongoing with countless claims to stop the company from exporting fish. As I dug into it more, I discovered that it wasn’t a fishing company or a farmer, but a factory. They had this plastic byproduct that looked, smelled, and cooked like fish. It was their waste stream that they were exporting as fish, but it was completely plastic. Nothing the lawyers did could prevent them from exporting more fish, there was always a loophole or work around supporting cash sales! I was completely dumbfounded that people are eating plastics all the time as China exports their waste.

To my surprise this is a very common practice in the greed machine. Plastics themselves are a waste byproduct from the oil refinery to make gasoline for cars. Then the fluoride in our water systems is another waste byproduct from the steel and phosphate industries. Nothing to do with better teeth, that’s all industry propaganda or greed funded “cigarette science!” Where cigarette science, is essential industry propaganda where a professor is paid to publish research that only confirms what the industry wants you to believe.

I even found the original study for ALUMINUM in the FDA, concluding that toxic levels, with typical American use of aluminum, would not happen until age 45, with the loss of eyesight. Yes, pure AL has never been on Earth before, so no life deals with it and your human body just collects it in your glands to toxic levels. But with typical use, it is not toxic until age 45, so no one will ever be able to directly link the toxicity to any disease.

Sorry, the poison GMO white stuff is only the beginning, there’s no nutrition left IN most of the produce sold today. The soil has been destroyed that creates all the vitamins. Pretty red apples and vetables are really toxic time bombs. Clean the fruit IN tapwater actually cleans the water where the fruit collects chlorine, and fluoride to kill you quicker.

Your pretty happy life, is really just $$$ for them!

Drain the swamp


Sent from my iPhone 11+max :-D))

Monday, January 22, 2024

Fwd: Your abortion

This is a dead end. Teen mothers are UNSERVED and Unseen, because of the MONEY in abortion. . . . the cash attacking kids is extreme so teen suicides are number one!

like Gas or Oil, it's all the money there. As long as people make money in Death,  WARS WILL CONTINUE. . . we need to focus on Outlawing the source = = > $$Satan from abortions

To STOP Abortions, you need to Shift the Discussion. Abortion is about Doctors, and Medical Procedures making incredible profits$$$$$. As long as people make a profit doing scary things … people will pursue these.

Stop the easy cash cow for doctors! Vacuum systems are patented profit centers! SUE the Vacuum Manufacture, make the machine illegal! 

They spend millions advertising and selling their cigarettes. . . fast easy cash makes the "teen-escape" business work (like alcohol, drugs, suicide). ITS all CASH!!!  Like the hysterectomy using the same vacuum. . . "this procedure" is used for dozens hysterectomy's as a hospital profit center: hormone imbalance, menopause. . . etc. . . exploiting women for CASH!   (Check the hospital records on who use these machines for what?)

I was almost aborted. . . And in high school, my nursing student girlfriend told me how she aborted BEFORE I even knew she was pregnant. . . "oh me and my friend toke care of it" EeeeK!!. . . medical lies are killing everyone, Covid is another Complete lie, while Cancer is natural, but the drugs and tests promote the cancer profit center. . . Cancer wasn't an issue until they patented tests and treatments. . . 

Thanks again, and God Bless you and Yours =)

Dr. Eric Rafael Rivera Weaver
Founder, STARS USA Inc.
Saint Petersburg, FL. 33704 
813-616-0164 (iPhone 11Mx Pro)

Friday, January 19, 2024

Here at theJoyFM.com I hear you daily

Always praying, always learning, always listening
Knowing Jesus as Lord of my Life. It's about unending prayers like Charles says…

It's easy we are all accustomed to the chatter in our heads. And we recognize satan and the ideas to be angry or violent. And most recognize to ignore this negative chatter in our heads.

We just need to learn to Ask for Jesus. Using the Name "Jesus" and asking for the Name Jesus from the chatter in our heads. Just ask for Jesus and wait and listen.

If you hear more, ask for them to Say the Name of Jesus. Ask "are you Jesus" and wait some more in silence… hear something new, ask again for the Word, for the Name, for Jesus! Listen for Only Jesus. ask in silence and listen…

Easy peasy, lemon sqeezy
God Bless You, we already won, and just need to break through…

Sent from my iPhone 11+max :-D))

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Buy Organic and Grass Fed

Buy Organic and Grass Fed

What can be done about all of these problems? From an individual standpoint, one of the most proactive things you can do to promote change is to vote with your wallet by buying organic (or even better, biodynamic) grass fed meats and animal products.

Livestock is an important part of regenerative agriculture, and when raised and integrated properly, the waste from the animals goes straight back into and feeds the ecological cycle rather than becoming a source of pollution.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Fwd: Organic Foods at Unity Today

Sent from my iPhone 11+max :-D))
From: Rafael Rivera
Subject: Local Organic Foods at Unity Today

I have been making my Organic Fruit Energy Breakfast for a small private group of ladies who know me personally.  You can all get quarts ... at the Buffet table every sunday at 12 noon at the Unity Spiritual Campus at 460 46th Ave N. 33703.  You can remember the Egyptian princess always ate ORGANIC fruits, seeds and nuts daily to stay young and fertile for hundreds of years. We all read the Bible, where many people lived hundreds of years.  Today, we are poisoned 24/7 to age you.  Lol, yes all diseases are manmade, so to get clear of these now: http://stars4ideas.blogspot.com/2022/08/grounding-tree-meditation.htm

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Wow The weaver’s

How do you define consciousness?

Consciousness is the essence of presence. What we think is empty space in the universe is actually filled with consciousness. While we understand the presence of our physical stuff and our ego, we have a harder time understanding our reductionistic self, the stuff that is reduced to the essence of energy. That’s what the soulful being of our consciousness is.

How do you define superconsciousness, and how does it help us experience healing
and create miracles?

It’s a trance state we can attain if we go deep within ourselves through meditation into the delta frequencies, and then visualize that we’re blending that higher realm of consciousness into the universe like a raindrop entering the ocean. By doing this, you arrive at the place where miracles exist. There’s nothing to create. It’s like being in a field of fruit. The abundance is there, you just have to go where the abundance is. AND READ, learn, listen to the research and science beyond the Matrix of lies on TV: https://go.shr.lc/3pBECDb 

So only one family knows the truth!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Dear I AM. . . I Am eric an’

Dear American,

Watching videos is the Easiest way to understand these deeper truths. Know the snake has reprogramed you to only read and understand 160 characters at a time.

This blog post allows you to see, read, and understand at this pace. Please read slowly and link carefully, as this is complicated and detailed, do 1 Video/day!

Browse to understand the big picture, then open one link can fill your afternoon. Do the Numbered items first, while the links just pull-it-all-together.

I'm fanatical about putting these truths together, as these lies KILLED my Mom: who wanted to write a Church Sermon revealing the truths of

cancer and medicine:

Your health is YOUR responsibility not a doctor or government: https://stars2man.blogspot.com/2002/. . . . and if you KNOW this please ADD to THIS: email

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Starting and Maintaining a Circle, By Justine Willis Toms

Ideas for Starting and Maintaining a Circle

Nov 30, 2021 09:30AM ● By Justine Willis Toms

When I tell someone that I’ve been meeting in a circle with the same people for more than three decades, they invariably ask, “How can I have that in my life?” They are eager to hear my stories, but feel overwhelmed about how to start a circle of their own. While those first steps feel like the biggest steps, they are really baby steps.

Three-step advice:

  1. Make the commitment and write it down
  2. Put out the call
  3. Be consistent

Step One: Set forth a clear intention.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

dao way to whole healh

For 40 years, nutritional therapist and quantum energy healer Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., has integrated ancient Chinese energy healing techniques with emerging nutritional science in what he calls Electromagnetic Muscle Testing, an approach that zeros in on each individual’s unique dietary needs. He has authored seven books, including The Wu Way, The Tao of Ch’i and Whole Health.

In his most recent work, The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness—and an accompanying documentary film of the same title—he shares his experiences, documented research and exercises to cultivate our natural ability to heal and create miracles.

I've been training more people about health: https://go.shr.lc/2CrEHUX Sorry, but the truth was our ancestors killed all the native indigenous ways of life, health, and evolution ended with this death. Mankind got distracted into Greed and Materialism. Now we have enough, stop fighting for more, and simple share what you have. Here's my priceless knowledge, christened as the man of knowledge . . . yes this figures, after the woods and streets of new jersey, lol. . . to know the truth and connect   to it:
  1. Taino Sun Ritual: http://www.starsusa.org/scire/mayan.html
  2. https://youtu.be/44ddtR0XDVU
  3. Flow Retreat: http://www.starsusa.org/scire/stars2man.html 
  4. https://youtu.be/UruSVDLqwVc
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What we need now is about action, power and focus. You know your place and capacity. There is nothing to concern or fear, it's all exactly as you need, and you are getting it done now. Allow this flow to grow and become all you ARE, allow this flow and experience to grow and evolve again, ignoring all the death that befalls all others.
I know, it will be incredible to see how it all works out . . . A high of 72 degrees outside today. Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to BRING ME TO YOU, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ,  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

10 Ways You Can Heal Yourself Tonight

Today I am called to share with you 10 ways that you can heal yourself right now, a list of which will develop your own Spirit Mysteries!

(Special bonus tip - some of them work even better when you put them together)

  1. Journalling

    • Self reflection is key to inner balance, write about it and see.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Grounding Tree Meditation: Create a Love Vortex

Grounding Tree Meditation

Yes, you need to start here. On the sixth day all was good, and God grabbed a handful of dust from Earth to form Man. God Created man and woman to accompany him and tend His Garden. We all need to return to the dirt to Love God, and Love our Neighbors, especially Love all the trees and gardens we can find all around us (watch these videos before you rest tonight). You must begin with Loving yourself,  since all else comes from here.  All else comes from seeing your own love light flowing around you, so here is what I mean:

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Lent 2022: release divinity in Light!

Lent is leading to Christ, restoring complete Christ Consciousness.

40 days and 40 nights are to clean yourself, so that are you can get closer to Christ! 

Start by considering: What are you doing right now, is it bringing you closer to Christ or does it bring you into sin?

What does it mean to be Baptized by Spirit?

This becomes a complete conversion in repentance from sin, to change the heart and mind in a 100% transformation, yes a 180° Turn around from where are you are now in sin to complete Christ Consciousness!

Saturday, I learned that these are all symbols to represent the real mission of Lent to cleanse, release all toxins and sin from the matrix into divinity in Light!

  • Wednesday ashes
  • Thursday fasting to one meal a day
  • Friday fish fry

God is perfect in His Love, God is Infinite in His wisdom (always perfect judgements, always knows, and willing to give Direction), God is sovereign in His Control.  

Sometimes our limited understanding, limited knowledge only interferes, we must just Trust God and move on, God never answers why, while our personal choices, understanding limitations, and our assumptions create loss.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

ground against a tree "closes the energy loop"

This is our ONLY CHANCE: Community Supported Agriculture – A Farmer’s Perspective: 


What is really remarkable is when I READ this email below to you, I remember our conversations in detail! The feelings, vibrations, and coherence of these frequencies between us, we can make it "non-local" with need this blog.  This blog allows us to share easily, since no one listens and understands that we are already doing telepathy instead. And we can anytime we want to. Yea, first babysteps, so here's some little pebbles in the pond, but still people drown in these ripples.

Now go outside, Barefoot on the ground and find a tree to lean against a tree "closes the energy loop," between the SUN, Earth, and Heart. YES do this one routine daily, for five minutes, or an hour, or two every day, same place, same time, same tree, and you will heal all your dis-ease. Yes, any dis-ease vanishes with vibrational synchronicity in unity to the universe. We create and are born into, while everything in life requires patience and skills. Remember God made us from the dust of the Earth, to tend his Garden. So LOVE a tree, one tree, any tree. try it. Please prove me wrong; we are more electrical and magnetic, not only chemical. Ignore the BSN chemicals and deceptions. OUR HEART (is a big pumping magnet) of Love that has evolved here on Earth for millennia. This connections will get you healthy and strong in days, with the normal natural energy of Earth moving through you again. Earth is a big Magnet too, you can't stick your shoes to the refrigerator with a magnet, remove your plastic shoes, and go outside and connect. Earth is Love, Only here for Heart, one life, one love, while . . . plastic shoes block energy flow = greed, BSN, divide & conquer . . . blah, blah, blah

Yes, the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground. . .  Get reconnected!

This week, I decided I want to be age 12 again, like the gangster in school. I’ve already got my fort, and today noticed my hair getting longer, and darker ! . . . wow, I’m doing the Prayerline 4-5am EST, every day teaching and learning about prayer more all the time. Please join me in Lent to restore deep commitment and connection with the Christ Consciousness through Prayer incessantly !
BUT then I can’t remember who this conversation was with . . . so did you get a copy and I have no idea what I was talking about. Then you need to read it over a few times. The pieces at the beginning here, will only make sense if you read the pieces at the end.

READ, WHY READ, what's reading? Wow, all the matrix programming has trained you to skip, Browse, and NO ONE READS anymore! No reading, means no comprehension . . . So you buy drugs full of toxins, and eat poisonous foods, and use treated waters, all filled with chemical research and nanoparticles instead of nature minerals and enzymes; because you listen to CNN lies, instead of reading this truth. Like how Canada would only allow CNN broadcasted there IF they included disclaimer statements that they were fictional. Or read any studies in detail to know how twisted the news versions are!

OF COURSE, YOU ARE SICK, SORE, TIRED, no surprise, all these leads to $$$

What’s most remarkable to me, is how little I care if anyone believes me, or understands the truth hidden in MK-Ultra, E=Mc2, frequencies, vibrations, and coherence, or any other Science I present beyond the Matrix propaganda everyone is addicted too. . . 

Cause when I get visitors like this monarch butterfly, I know I’ll always have all the help I need!  Yes, Someone is helping me out: https://youtu.be/YHc37kRcERo
God Bless You all;

PS. Grand Mothers Dawn, Joni & Joyce are here with me now, Ely is with her Great-granddaughter, while others are lining up to help, but no one has reached kcuhc or htiek's kids yet, because they are all back-words. 
Begin forwarded message:
Date: March 3, 2022 at 4:55:42 AM EST
Subject: What is the truth, and why should I care if CNN makes it so fast and easy?
Date: March 2, 2022 at 3:09:16 PM EST 
Dear American,

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Timing is everything!

Twelve moon tomorrow and have a 2 hour meeting with the founder of Sweetwater organic Farms from the 1970's 

After 20 years of Organics and 130,000 student visitors per year, he help create the organic farmers certification association...

10 years traveling Earth certifying farms, wore on his back.... so I've volunteered to help him, and we are talking about bi-weekly two hour classes in tampa

Monday, October 11, 2021

Big Single are you ready

Are there any more distractions, techniques like using tv and celebrities to promote propaganda's primary technique for keeping people from thinking about important issues ===> "Divide and Conquer" is the easy peasy techniques used by rules throughout history. Dysfunctional propaganda Left - Right, Us - Them gets everyone arguing and fighting about what's not important so no-one sees what is really happening that's critically important!

Same old, same old. . .

No 1

#PNLChallenge for the new year then?

No 2

Lies, Deceptions, are DRUGS as the death of Americans. . .

No 3


Goopocalypse Now from Goopocalypse Now! on Vimeo.

Who else saw this

Greed and money over anything and everything!

No 4

Century of the Self - - - WHY are Americans lost little sheeple. . . AND WHY, withedward bernays propaganda

No 5

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

getting the BIG Picture, Like the Big Lie

Crazy PRIVATE emails to BOTH of you are about getting US all to the BIG Picture, about the Big Lies  . . . while now KNOWING we are ONE LIFE here, opens so much power and clarity.  You both got the prayers recorded as I awoke to the morning radio before 6am too!  Same story again!



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