Friday, March 11, 2022

Grounding Tree Meditation: Create a Love Vortex

Grounding Tree Meditation

Yes, you need to start here. On the sixth day all was good, and God grabbed a handful of dust from Earth to form Man. God Created man and woman to accompany him and tend His Garden. We all need to return to the dirt to Love God, and Love our Neighbors, especially Love all the trees and gardens we can find all around us (watch these videos before you rest tonight). You must begin with Loving yourself,  since all else comes from here.  All else comes from seeing your own love light flowing around you, so here is what I mean:

  1. Take-off your shoes and Walk outside, onto the grass of the Magnetic Earth (remove all plastic socks, too). Yes for 3.7 billion years the magnetic heartbeat of Life was connected to the magnetic Earth.  Do this regularly, ideally at the same time, in the same place.

  2. Place your left hand on your belly and right hand on your heart. Take a few deep, slow breaths and feel your energy spinning through your body. Feel and "SEE" the energy moving through your body and spinning each of your Chakra's. yes You can imagine the light of your heart spinning in and around each Chakra. Enjoy the Love of Your E-motions using this Energy in Motion, as you can imagine in your third eye. 

  3. Now, push your tongue up behind your front teeth to close your circuit. With Each Breath, breathe in "AHH," then breathe out "OHH". Feel these sound vibrations, and feel your purple light energy creating a loop around your whole body, beginning by moving down your forehead, through your tongue, down your chakras to your coccyx, and then up your spine to your head again, spinning around your own microcosmic orbit. You can imagine this, like a dream, where you SEE this light of love flowing through you. This is you own Energy Loop, visualize it. Remember you are created in the Image of God Genesis 1:27, so SEE THIS IMAGE INSIDE YOU. This is your circle of love energy around your body, to create your consciousness and life itself beginning with the Breath of God. 

  4. Now walk on Earth until you discover your Grandmother Tree. Any tree will do, or any live Earth Plant nearby. 

  5. Sit amongst her roots or in a special notch of the great big Grandmother Tree that’s been waiting for you. Lean your back against her trunk, letting yourself feel fully supported. Aligning your spine to the center of the tree trunk. Leaning against the trunk is ideal, or standing close nearby, or even on top of the plants roots beneath your bare feet, will work fine too. Listen to me explaining this completely now:

  6. Reach your arms up over your head and Breath in "AHHHH", feeling grateful to feel and receive life from your Grandmother Tree’s strength, resilience, ancient wisdom, and protection into your body, space, and aura. Here is your second visualization of an Energy Loop. YES, See the Love Light of God coming down from Heaven into the leaves, branches, tree, and you through to the roots creating a circle of the tree's love next to your own circle of life visualized earlier in item 3 above.  You can now see the two circles of Love Light spinning in the infinity again, around your body and then around your tree.

  7. Imagine connecting to this tree and feel these qualities of Love fill your body and heart - your entire being - as you nestle into the tree, further feeling her embrace of magnetism around you, where your circle of life and the Grandmother Tree Circle of life, are sharing the same circles together. 

  8. Stretch-up your arms like the branches over your head. Imagine the Sun coming down into the leaves, branches, arms, and head. Let the Grandmother Tree guide you to feel this energy coming down from heaven over your forehead and then down your Chakras, down through your body into Earth, similarly to the tree's circle of life. 

  9. See the Clean Perfect Sunlight of the Heaven coming down into your body and spinning around your microcosmic orbit, before going down into Earth. Each time the pure Purple Love Light of Heaven comes down the Grandmother Tree and similarly down your own Chakras it cleans you out, pulling negative energies into Earth. Imagine and see this circle of Light coming down through you and melting all dis-ease, dis-comfort, and dis-ception down into Earth. Visualize this Second Energy Loop lining up with the circles through YOU! Breathe in Deeply and breathe out again "Ahhh, Ohhh" and again "Ahhh, Ohhh" seeing these loops of light in your third eye.

  10. See these circles of love with the Light of Heaven coming down cleaning your body of all pains, cancers, tumors, sickness, and negativity as it spins around melting it all into Earth. Breath deep, with every exhale release any stuck energies, all the stress, worry, ancestral trauma or tension melting into Earth, through your bare feet into the roots creating more dirt below you. 

  11. Continue to breathe, "Ahhh Ohhh," slowly and deeply, as you feel the beauty of your connection loving your neighbor Grandmother Tree, and through her, all of nature, Love, and Divinity moving the Light Energy of Heaven through your body into Earth. 

  12. Now see the Light of God coming down your branches spin through your body cleaning, and down through the center of Earth, to spin through the galaxy, and create a Third Energy Loop of light coming down from Heaven again. 

  13. See your Body’s Orbit, and the Tree’s Orbit, connecting to the Sunshine in the Heaven with the Earth Orbit. See these three great orbits, spinning a Vortex of Love, clearing your body through all creation, clearing all negativity and ancestral trauma out of your body. Breathe in deeply and breathe out again "Ahhh, Ohhh" and again "Ahhh, Ohhh" seeing these three loops of light spinning through your third eye.

  14. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and gently look around. Remember your Grandmother Tree. Thank her for bringing you back to your true nature of peace and connection between Heaven and Earth.
  15. Praise God, Thank Jesus, So Be It, and It Is SO, ah-oh, amen.

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OK restart and I’m doing it right now, everything‘s gonna be clear as can be and if you have any questions get a change resolved immediately ... everybody’s got to carry their own weight I’m gonna make this happen; it’s gonna happen really fast!
Trust God
Thanks Jesus,hold on tight!