Friday, June 11, 2010

Use Do-It-Yourself Tips for Natural Backyard Mosquito Control Systems

Use Do-It-Yourself Tips for Natural Backyard Mosquito Control Systems
Summertime means time for those pesky, disease-bearing mosquitoes and a fresh approach to getting a handle on natural mosquito control systems. Yes, systems, because it takes more than one earth-friendly method to manage mosquitoes and keep them from consuming people and pets.

Some people prefer hiring an exterminator, but they can be expensive and they use toxic chemicals on lawns and flowers which may harm pets and people alike. Do-it-yourself mosquito exterminating with natural products will rid the garden of these pests and provide healthful mosquito control throughout the summer. Mosquitoes are hosts to diseases affecting people like West Nile Virus and parasites that kill pets like heartworm. Protect adults, children and pets from being bitten by making mosquitoes a thing of the past with some of the best mosquito control systems and tricks.

-Place yellow light bulbs in patio lamps for use during evenings and at night during summertime. Orangey-yellow lights do not attract mosquitoes and other flying insects as readily as white bulbs.

-Wear dark colored clothes when working in the yard. Mosquitoes don't seem as attracted to them as to lighter colors.

Natural Products for Use as Mosquito Exterminators

-Add bacillus thuringiensis (BT) to the water in a pond, fountain or birdbath to kill larvae and aid in mosquito control. Standing water provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Even the most active waterfalls and fountains have slow spots behind plants and rocks which may become a larvae birthing ground. BT is a completely harmless natural substance that is safe for pets, fish, birds and wild life but is deadly to all kinds of larvae. It is available in liquid form or as a donut-shaped floating dunk for placing in water and may be purchased at gardening stores.

-Spray the entire yard including shrubbery monthly or more often with a mixture of natural pyrethrins, BT and neem oil for backyard mosquito control. The mixture also helps to manage fleas and ticks and to destroy any mosquito hideouts in hidden pockets of standing water.

-Burn citronella candles on the patio when dining out for backyard mosquito control. These candles secrete citronella oil which repels mosquitoes.

-Use a natural insect repellent on skin like neem oil. It's natural, non-toxic and goes a long way toward repelling not only mosquitoes but also other small, biting, flying insects. Neem has a strong odor, so testing it first is recommended.

-Bathe pets in neem shampoo to repel mosquitoes, ticks and fleas and to protect them from disease.

Old-time Zappers Work for Backyard Mosquito Control

-Resort to time tested mosquito exterminator devices like using an insect zapper to zap mosquitoes as they do a fly-by. If listening to mosquitoes sizzle on the coils during dinner is a problem, place the zapper far enough away from the eating area to muffle the sound.

Taking a combined approach to mosquito control in the backyard helps rid the area of disease-laden insects naturally and allows for comfortable outdoor living and entertaining with no fear of being bitten by mosquitoes.


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OK restart and I’m doing it right now, everything‘s gonna be clear as can be and if you have any questions get a change resolved immediately ... everybody’s got to carry their own weight I’m gonna make this happen; it’s gonna happen really fast!
Trust God
Thanks Jesus,hold on tight!


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