Sunday, May 1, 2022

Dear I AM. . . I Am eric an’

Dear American,

Watching videos is the Easiest way to understand these deeper truths. Know the snake has reprogramed you to only read and understand 160 characters at a time.

This blog post allows you to see, read, and understand at this pace. Please read slowly and link carefully, as this is complicated and detailed, do 1 Video/day!

Browse to understand the big picture, then open one link can fill your afternoon. Do the Numbered items first, while the links just pull-it-all-together.

I'm fanatical about putting these truths together, as these lies KILLED my Mom: who wanted to write a Church Sermon revealing the truths of

cancer and medicine:

Your health is YOUR responsibility not a doctor or government: . . . and if you KNOW this please ADD to THIS: email

My Mom witnessed how the Matrix of lies are too much, and shared the truth in small bites. She left her Native Medicine Woman Ancestry, to marry into the white supremacy patriarchy. 

You can only change the system from the inside:  so she gave up her life to get me inside this colonial patriarchy that is enslaving mankind.

Yes, she denied her personal truth, to bring me through to you now. Go slow, as we are learning and developing this research to reveal details as it evolves.

The lies of the American Machine are everywhere, using the most simplistic "The Big Lie" methods to keep you confused with satan's "divide and conquer." 

Public news are intentionally deceptive. Developed research (3d-Phd) proves this. While grounding barefoot like in Genesis 2:7, is where we start, GET REAL by doing #1-3 (in 3 days):

    1. In Saint Pete, we created a space to love our neighbors in local community gardens here. I begin with loving each tree, plant, and each animal in my yard. This is seen and understood even easier in this video experience, connecting to love: - = - = - = - Each of us has played with magnets as a child. All life feels magnetism of two heart connected. The living heart has always been a magnet connected to the magnetic Earth, since life began 3.7 billion years ago. All life has been Magnetised to Earth since the beginning. Satan's “divide and conquer” has put plastic everywhere, in your food, air, and water, in your medicine, in your blood, and in your mind; to keep you insulated from magnetism, and lost in lies. The plastic keeps you insulated from every heart magnet, animal, vegetable, and mineral. 
    2. Start grounding now with your bare feet touching Earth for these two Magnetic sources, Heart and Earth, to connect our vibrations. Just like you can feel any animal near you. You connect to Earth, see The Earthing Movie:  The Remarkable Science of Grounding is hidden by greedy industries. Here's more of the related Science when this guy visited Tampa Bay: . . . check your own shoes now, even the most expensive "all leather" versions, actually have plastic foam liners, or rubber soles. Another lie separating you from the True Source!
    3. The Biggest lie:  Yes, the Native Indigenous solutions are easy-peasy with Sun Gazing . Please, GET these next THREE numbers listed below here in the next 3-weeks, and then come here to Saint Pete Florida, and get a real  healing:

    4. GET Real Knowledge First: shut off the TV, as it is only lies, deceptions, half-truths, from corporation propaganda, and READ everything posted and linked here in this blog post! There are more details if needed 
    5. GET Real Health Second: health only comes with real foods; like organic living herbs, nuts, fruit, and vegetables start here:,, Yes, all the ultra-processed and cooked crap in boxes is toxic, and designed to make you sick!  The worse is the ultra processed white milk, white sugar, white flour, white bread, white pasta, and white potatoes made with tastes and textures by a machine are grown in dead soils to produce no nutrition.
    6. GET Real Nutrition Third: with the real biodynamic vitamins too:, this collection is anti-C0v!d. NOT the fake chemical crap everywhere else, as I'm sure you know the giant conglomerates are now selling billion$ of toxic$ in this one “highly regulated” market. It is full of all sorts of chemicals the body CAN NOT absorb anyway, see TONS MORE of the real science on this supplement topic details here: 

    7. GET a Real LIFE: Yes remember this is all about real food, that our community can easily create and share on our own Garden of Eaten:  . .(short: for Earth's healthy Children vibrate in love from the start so we need to save them. Please come help now: 
    8. Getting into this One True vibration is getting easier and easier too, as I am always with this very public vibration of Joy, please connect and listen for yourself:
    9. Yes, more research is coming, but I need to get this note out to you ASAP, while I will add and expand it all the time, so keep Checking back here: ; ;

    10. Yes, my volunteering on the PrayerLine started with Lent as I returned to my Mother's Catholic Religion to learn to pray and get back to Jesus: Mass starts at 7am;,  and then at 8am;, and Sundays is also at 10am or virtual; . . . Then I go to help Judy at Unity.  Oh and nightly I watch at least one episode, sometimes in a different language, with english subtitles to learn more: (yes, I am relearning Spanish!).
    11. What is the truth, and why should I care if CNN makes it so fast and easy? Thanks for asking me to share what I know here on the PrayerLine. Getting to truth is not easy, but inspired insights come through every morning after my volunteer work, at 5am EST: Because every day they have this 5:00-5:30am… And then this note today sounds like it was from you. I cried again before it was over as 5:30-6am daily is
    12. Biofield Tuning (BT) is a Sound Healing, modality that helps to relieve mental, emotional and physical stress. BT uses tuning forks to help restore balance in the electromagnetic system of the body. The coherent frequency input of the fork gently supports the body in recognizing and correcting its own vibrational imbalances, allowing the body to balance its immune system, digestive system, nervous system, and all systems of the body. Also adjusting sleep cycle, increasing levels of energy throughout the day, and even improving your mood! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Want to experience it?, , . . . . 


      This was written after a phone call. Thank you so much for calling me at the PrayerLine during my service hours of 4-5am EST M-Th. It is really wonderful to have strong focused questions about Jesus from you, which got me to speak about the fundamental lies of greed and control, that have overtaken western societies. Lately, I feel like I am Neo, fighting the Matrix, and the greed machine of lies and propaganda that are trying to kill everyone. 

      This email to you is also a "Public Blog Post", so I can edit, update, correct, and expand it, to share this growth of Jesus with others . . . Please know, if you want to help me, I can make you a blog administrator, for you to help edit and update this work, like this is what I wrote on the prayer line about our call this morning:

      . . . living is giving, dying is taking . . . Better to Be a friend, than have a friend. Please, come to Saint Pete, and I'll pick you up at the airport and give you a free healing weekend. Set your date by renting any space from this profile: . . . As I pray for you now adding links to my own connected experiences:

      "My daughter in Princeton, my 24 son lives nearby, but is too busy. Me and my wife are busy too ...

      35 cancer radiation treatments, pulled all his teeth, emergency tracheotomy, added port for chemo, and tube for eating, can't eat, sent home to recovery

      need to support my wife, need to sleep and eat again."

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      OK restart and I’m doing it right now, everything‘s gonna be clear as can be and if you have any questions get a change resolved immediately ... everybody’s got to carry their own weight I’m gonna make this happen; it’s gonna happen really fast!
      Trust God
      Thanks Jesus,hold on tight!